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Can I use my website’s root domain as the CNAME record


My website is “”. Can I use my website’s root domain as the CNAME record?


In most cases, it’s not recommended to use your website’s root domain (e.g., “”) as the CNAME record for PlatoForms.

To ensure uniqueness and prevent conflicts, we suggest using a subdomain like “” for your forms. However, if your root domain is exclusively for hosting forms and you’re certain there won’t be conflicts, you can use it for the CNAME.

It’s crucial to collaborate with your website hosting provider to establish a unique subdomain for your forms if necessary. This will ensure a smooth custom domain setup.

Explore custom domain

For detailed instructions on verifying your custom domain, refer to our documentation on sending email with custom domain.

If you have any questions about setting up a CNAME record, please contact your domain host.

Video tutorial

Want a complete video overview of the related process? This tutorial is just what you’re looking for!

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