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How to set up Slack integration for instant form updates notifications
Can I set up Slack notifications to get real-time updates on our online forms for my team?
Certainly! You can activate instant notifications by using PlatoForms’ Integration feature for your Slack channels.
This integration ensures that you receive immediate form notifications and can monitor the status of completed PDFs in a designated Slack channel.
With this integrated setup, whenever your form receives submissions, a Slack message will be sent automatically to the channel or contact you’ve specified.

Note: This integration can be configured for individual forms; please be aware that bulk form integration is not supported.
Integrate with Slack
For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Integrate with Slack section in the User Documentation.
Explore more about integration
PlatoForms Integration connects your online forms with third-party apps like Slack, Stripe, Appcues, Zapier, and more for streamlined automation. Check the Integration guide for details.
Video tutorial
You can also refer to the video tutorial:
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