5 Tips On How To Improve Your Email Marketing

Email marketing has completely changed the marketing game since forever--here's some tips on you can improve it more.
Lexin-Ann Morales
Reading time: 5 minutes.

business owners using PDF forms for email marketing

Bombarded notifications can be overwhelming–especially in emails.

You’ve probably heard of the saying, “Email is not dead” a million times–and it’s still true, especially today. Although explainer videos are closing more deals now more than ever, email is still one of the best ways to convert users to paying customers. Aside from its ability to enhance client relationships, 59% of B2B marketers say that including email in their marketing strategy is one of their most powerful effective channels of customer retention. Although email is the most preferred channel in business communication, CTR (Click-through rate) is 47% higher in B2B email campaigns than in B2C email campaigns.

If you’re still on the fence about taking your email marketing seriously–now is the time to reconsider changing that. However, it can be difficult for you to improve your email marketing strategy for various reasons–spam filters, constant unsubscriptions, and crowded subject lines. Email marketing can be pretty intimidating sometimes, but there are many ways to improve your campaign–and later on, boost your lead conversion. If you’re looking for ways to level up your email marketing strategies, consider following these tips:

Grab attention through unique subject lines

First impression lasts–make that subject line more appealing than ever. The good thing about memorable subject lines is that they don’t need to be fancy, just short and unique. What’s also more important about making subject lines is to make them specific–and trigger curiosity. AppSumo summarized the list of their best-performing subject lines–and the list varies from content promotion subject lines, problem-solver subject lines, and limited-time sale email subject lines.

With this data, it’s safe to say that most users click subject lines that will get their attention–mainly sale promotions and questions that can build curiosity.

Organize your mailing list

Your mailing list should be organized more than ever–this will help you to keep your list neat. To do this, make sure to identify your audience, run a list update, and categorize them based on their persona. This way, it can be easy for you to send out personalized forms that everyone will love and won’t avoid. For example, you wouldn’t want your offer discounts email campaign for students to be sent to working professionals–it will look like it’s a massive email blast with no direction.

Segment your mailing list according to your identified audience–this will leave a good impression on your client, knowing it’s customized.

Send out test emails to estimate which is the best time to reach your audience

Do your readers prefer to open emails in the morning, or do they do it more often at night? You will never know unless you’d do a test–so send emails at different times to know which will reach your audience the most. Unlike social media posts, there are things that you need to think of when sending out emails:

  • Consider your audience’s time zone: You can identify the countries of your users and organize them–for example APAC, EMEA regions, or North America.
  • Analyze your email analytics and identify which time of the day has the higher open rate

Keep track of your emails

Monitoring your email might sound like it’s a common thing to do–but its importance in your email marketing strategy is enormous. By keeping track of your emails, you can know whether your newsletters were successfully sent to your clients, if your subscribers are converting, or identify the pages they’re visiting.

Pro tip: Aside from enabling you to make PDF forms online, PlatoForms allows you to keep track of the form invitations you send by email. Even before submitting their online PDF forms, you canmonitor your sent form invitations and their details–email delivery, time of opening and submissions of forms, and more. Learn more here.

Keep it simple

Although colorful images and fancy fonts are pleasing to see, they don’t usually don’t do the trick in attracting leads. While design plays a vital role in email marketing, some users only prefer text-only emails. According to Copley Broer of LandlordStation, he discovered that a simple text-based email with links to their product’s content works best for users–and keeps their attention focused on the relevance of the content. This just proves that you don’t need extravagant design or email template layout to keep your customers engaged–focus on quality, and it will let the message speak for itself.

Craft compelling calls-to-action (CTAs)

CTAs (calls-to-action) are crucial for getting readers to take specific actions. Make sure your CTAs are clear, direct, and engaging. Use strong action words and make them visually stand out. CTAs can lead readers to a landing page, download a resource, or fill out a form. Good CTAs can greatly improve your email’s success.

Adding QR Codes to your email CTAs can be a creative way to make it easier for recipients to get more information or take action on their phones. Uniqode can help with this. Their QR Code generator lets businesses create QR Codes for various uses, including email marketing.

Make online fillable PDFs and send form invitations to your clients via email through PlatoForms

Our form invitation feature will make it easier for you to maximize your email marketing strategies through form invitations. With PlatoForms, you can now send email invites to your clients and have them submit their PDF forms online. Whether you’re sending out online form surveys to your customers or online form exams to your students, our form invitations will allow you to make online fillable PDFs much easier than before.

Read more: How to Optimize Pre-filled Invitation Forms for Your Business

Our form invitation feature will help you utilize your email marketing strategies once you finish making fillable PDFs online. Control your created invitations before sending them on emails by:

  • Decide on the availability of your online forms
  • Set the expiration time of your online forms
  • Equip your online forms with passwords for security
  • Allow your clients to submit their PDF forms online just once to avoid duplicates
  • Enable automatic saving of online forms to save data and time

You’ve made online fillable PDFs and sent them through form invitations to your clients–now what?

Alright, your ready-to-go and just made online fillable PDFs are sent on your clients’ emails–is that all? Your form invitation experience just doesn’t end there. Before your clients submit their online PDF forms upon receiving your invitation, you can keep track of them using the same feature:

  • Know whether your email delivery was sent successfully to your clients
  • Before submitting their PDF forms online, keep track of whether your email and forms are opened
  • Aside from letting your clients submit their online PDF forms, you can also check the time when the forms were submitted

Start making fillable PDFs online with PlatoForms today

Ready to let your clients submit their online PDF forms? Sign up and send out email invitations to your clients conveniently–while powering up your email marketing strategy today!

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