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How to use conditional logic in online forms


Can I show or hide specific questions based on user responses?


Absolutely! You can achieve this using conditional logic in your online forms.

What is conditional logic? Conditional logic adapts forms based on user responses. You can use it to show or hide questions or sections accordingly.

Let’s go through an example step by step.

Identify the scenario

When creating a registration form, use conditional logic to show a dietary restriction box if the attendee selects “Yes” and hide it if they choose “No.”

Create conditional logic

To create conditional logic:

  1. Add fields:

    In this example, you’ll need:

    • Single Choice field (Yes/No).

      Add a Single Choice field

    • Text field for dietary restrictions (appears based on user choice).

      Add a Text field

    For more details about adding fields, check the Add form fields section.

  2. Set up logic:

    a. Click the Logics button on the top left of the form builder and then click + New Logic.

    Add new logic

    b. Define rules: Show/hide Text input based on Yes/No answer.

    • For Yes answer, show the Text input.

    • For No answer, hide the Text input.

      Define rules

  3. Test the form:

    Use Preview & Design to ensure the logic functions as intended.

    Test the form

    Respondents get a customized experience: “Yes” shows a text input field for dietary needs, while “No” keeps it hidden.

Discover more conditional logic

Explore additional form logic features in PlatoForms, like Jump Questions, Skip Pages, Branching Questions, and more, in the Commonly-used form logic section for tailored and flexible form designs.

Video tutorial

You can also refer to our video tutorial:

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