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How to pre-fill data in a form before sending it out


I’d like to pre-fill some data in a form before sending it to a customer to minimize their input efforts. What are the pre-filling options available in PlatoForms?


PlatoForms provides three options to help you pre-fill form data before sending it to respondents:

Option Description
Pre-filled form” feature.
  • Use this when creating form invitations.
  • Set pre-filled content as “Read-only” to prevent changes.
  • Ideal for pre-filling data that isn’t limited to specific fields.
“Initial value” feature in “Text Input” fields. This sets default values for Text Input fields, filling them in automatically when the form loads.
“Save for later” feature.
  • Pre-fill your form fields and provide a link for respondents to complete the rest later.
  • Keep in mind, this feature isn’t mainly for pre-filling, but for respondents to save and continue filling out forms at a later time.
  • Since respondents can edit saved data, you might not be able to track previous records if they make changes.

Choose the pre-filling options that aligns with your needs and form design. These options allow you to pre-fill data in the form, enhancing the convenience of the input process for your respodents.

Video tutorial

You can also refer to the video tutorial on the Pre-filled form feature.

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