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How to save a published online form to my computer

Question Can I download my published online form as a PDF to my computer? Answer Absolutely! Once you’ve published your online form from the form builder, you can download it to your computer as a PDF for your records.

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How to reorder pages when cloning an online form

Question I’m in the process of cloning an older online form, but I need to change the order of some pages in the new version.

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How to customize cloud drive subfolder names

Question Can I automatically match storage folder names with submission dates when connecting my form to a cloud drive, without manual typing?

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How to pre-fill the Text fields with initial values

Question Can I create a “Date of Registration” field that auto-fills with today’s date, saving my customers from entering it manually?

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Can I create custom and dynamic form email notifications

Question I’d like to include information such as revision timestamps in the email notification sent with the form. Is this possible?

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How to rename my form and customize downloaded PDF file names

Question Can I modify the form name and personalize the names of downloaded PDF files? Answer Of course! You can customize your form name and downloaded PDF file names.

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How to use conditional logic in online forms

Question Can I show or hide specific questions based on user responses? Answer Absolutely! You can achieve this using conditional logic in your online forms.

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Can respondents resume the progress after closing the form

Question My online form consists of multiple pages. Can respondents resume the progress after accidental closure? Answer Absolutely! You can let your respondents resume the progress in two ways:

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How to manage form availability and expiration

Question Can I schedule my online forms to be available only during specific dates and times, and automatically expire after a set duration?

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How to view form submissions and download summary report

Question Can I effectively track all form submissions, including specific data like the submission count? Answer Absolutely! The Summary tab in the Submissions page enables you to effortlessly view and download a summary report of all your form submissions.

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Can I secure forms with passwords

Question Can I password-protect an online form for my client, and how do I do it? Answer Indeed! Set a password in the form invitation settings; your clients will need it to access the form.

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How to enable one-time form submission

Question Can I limit clients to a single submission for registration forms? Answer Absolutely! You can achieve this using the Invitation panel, ensuring one submission per person.

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Can I duplicate an old form to add new information

Question I invested time in creating a complex online form. Can I copy and reuse an existing form to add new information instead of starting from scratch?

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How to create a team-accessible email template

Question Can I make reusable form invitation or notification templates for my team to send similar messages? Answer Certainly! You can save form invitation and notification configurations as email templates, streamlining the email creation process for your team, regardless of its size.

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