PlatoForms User Guide
  • Form Builder

    Creating an Online Form for an Existing PDF

  • Custom Domain

    With Builder you can build three types of forms: online web forms, online PDF forms, and master forms.

  • Master Form Builder

    you will arrive at the Form Builder. On the form Builder, there are three main sections:

Use shortcuts and quick actions

To make form editing faster in PlatoForms, use keyboard shortcuts and quick actions.

  • Keyboard shortcuts: built-in shortcuts like “Copy”, “Paste”, “Undo”, “Redo”, and “Select All” to streamline your workflow.

  • Quick actions: special shortcuts to help you move and align widgets easily, similar to those in drag-and-drop editors. For example, holding the Shift key while dragging keeps items aligned.

Keyboard shortcuts

Use these shortcuts on the form builder:

Shortcuts Windows Mac
Copy Control+C ⌘Command+C
Paste Control+V ⌘Command+V
Undo Control+Z ⌘Command+Z
Redo Control+Y ⌘Command+⌘Shift + Z
Select all widgets Control+A ⌘Command+A
Delete the selected widget Delete Delete

Quick actions

Here are some useful quick actions for form editing:

Action Quick actions
Move widgets pixel-by-pixel Select a widget, and press the ‘arrow key’ (↑ ↓ → ←).
Select/deselect a widget belonging to a selected group Hold SHIFT and click the widget.
Bypass the snap when moving widgets closer together Hold SHIFT and drag the mouse.
Select all widgets in a list
Note: it only works when the widgets are part of an option list or drop-down
Double-click the widget.

Copy, Paste, and Delete operations work only when a single widget is selected.

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