PlatoForms User Guide
  • Form Builder

    Creating an Online Form for an Existing PDF

  • Custom Domain

    With Builder you can build three types of forms: online web forms, online PDF forms, and master forms.

  • Master Form Builder

    you will arrive at the Form Builder. On the form Builder, there are three main sections:

Design web PDF form

You have a range of design options to make your forms look great:

  • Add your logo, change fonts, and tweak colors to match your brand.
  • Try out different themes to instantly change your form’s appearance.

Access the form designer

  1. Open your existing web PDF form from the Dashboard.

  2. Click the Preview & Design button in the form builder at the top left.

    Open form designer

    You will open the preview page of your form. Here, you can explore and customize design options for your form.

Apply the themes

To explore the available themes and apply themes to your form:

  1. Click the Themes button at the bottom left corner.

    You will open the Themes panel, where you can browse the available themes.

  2. Select the theme that matches your form’s purpose and preferred look.

Save as shared form theme

The “Save as Shared Form Theme” feature lets you create and share custom themes with your team, making it easy to keep all your forms looking the same.

  1. Click the Themes button to expand the Themes panel.

  2. Choose or customize a theme.

  3. Click Save as Shared Form Theme.

  4. Name your theme and click Save.

    Your theme is now saved and can be used by your team for other forms.

Cutomize the form design

You can also make more customizations to the form styles. All changes are instantly previewed.

  1. On the form’s preview page, click the Design Form button in the top right corner.

    You will open the Design Form panel.

    Designer form

  2. Make your desired design changes.


    PlatoForms offers customizable form design properties. Find details in the Form design properties section.

  3. After making your desired modifications, click the Save button to save your changes.

Form design properties

Property Description
Appearance Change the form appearance:

  • System Auto: Adapts to the user’s device settings for a consistent look.
  • Light Mode Only: Appears in a light theme, keeping a consistent light-colored look.
  • Dark Mode Only: Appears in a dark theme, providing a darker color scheme.
If you choose System Auto, you can toggle between the Light and Dark buttons to preview how the form appears in both light and dark modes.
Logo Upload a PNG or JPG image, with a maximum size of 10MB.

  • Embedded Logo: The logo will be automatically resized and positioned within the form.
  • Logo Background: Customize the background behind the logo.
  • Logo Location: By default, the logo appears on the top left of the form, but you can choose its alignment: Left, Center, or Right.
Navigation Bar If your form has multiple pages and you enable the Navigation bar, it appears at the top, allowing users to switch between pages. To add pages, insert a Page Break while building your form.
Navbar Style After enabling the Navigation Bar, you can select a suitable navbar style for your form.
Help Text If you’ve added help text, you can choose to position it below the Field or Label.
RTL Form Show the form with a right-to-left reading direction. This is suitable for languages like Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian, which are written from right to left.
Rounded Corner Apply rounded corners to the form to create a smoother and visually appealing look.
Material Style The input boxes in the form will have a straight line design.
Form Width Choose from options such as S, M, L, or Full to determine the width of the form.
Form Margin Select from padding options like None, S, or M to set the spacing between form elements and the form boundaries.
Font Use the system font or import your own font.
Font Size Modify the font size in the form to ensure it’s easy to read and visually pleasing.
Line Spacing Select from options like XS, S, M, L, or XL to adjust the line spacing in the form for better readability.
Label Layout Determine the layout style of the input boxes’ labels. When you choose Customized, you’ll need to return to the Properties panel for each field to adjust its Label layout.
Label Width Define the width of the input boxes’ labels.
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