PlatoForms User Guide
  • Form Builder

    Creating an Online Form for an Existing PDF

  • Custom Domain

    With Builder you can build three types of forms: online web forms, online PDF forms, and master forms.

  • Master Form Builder

    you will arrive at the Form Builder. On the form Builder, there are three main sections:

Access field properties

This section describes how to access the form field’s properties panel.

Access field properties

To access the properties panel of a form field, follow these steps:

  1. Open your form from the Dashboard.
    You will open its form builder.

  2. In the left Field Panel, hover over the field widget you want to edit.

  3. Click on the Field Label or Field ID.

    Access field properties


    In the old form builder, click on the Field ID in the bottom right corner of the field widget to access its properties.

    You will open the field’s properties panel as shown below.

    Field properties panel

  4. Edit the field properties as needed.

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